Thank you to everyone who made the AGM last night. It was a constructive meeting with not too many things to discuss this time.
Election of committee: Allan, Mark and Dave will remain in their respective roles. Jon is rejoining the committee to help relieve the load on Dave and will handle social media and the website admin.
Teams: We have 13 teams registered for the season which as we all know is the worst possible number! So we do have space for one more team if anyone is aware of somebody who may be considering. It was discussed that the committee will decide on the league structure with those present happy to go with the result. Further details and anticipated start time will be decided ASAP and announced here.
Pairs and singles: After some confusion with substitutes in the summer pairs it has been decided to clarify the rules. It was decided that substitutes will be allowed at the committee’s discretion. No substitutes will be allowed in the singles.
Free week: There was some concern about the free week in the winter season coming one week before finals night and therefore giving an advantage to teams in games that will affect important league positions. It was decided that that any time a free week could be fitted into a season that it would be placed earlier in the season.
Fees: Mark suggested that there was no change needed in the current fee structure.
Knockout: Assuming the league remains at 13 teams the knockout will need to have a bye. We will continue to use the same format that has seemed to be popular and the team that get the bye will go straight to the main knockout.
Finals Night: At the time of writing there will be no team playing from Westhill therefore it was decided that a different venue for finals night should be used. Paulton Rovers was suggested and enquiries will be made into availability etc.
Any other business: The use of electronic score boards was brought up and it was generally decided that the league’s preference would be to use chalk/white boards for the foreseeable future However, big strides are being made on using internet connected devices and as these become more available and stable then the league would consider their use.
We hope to have a committee meeting soon to decide the league structure and arrange dates etc.
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